Friday, June 22, 2012

Holy Expletive, Batman!

So, (don't you love how I start every post with "so?"  It's kind of my thing.)

SO, I was checking my email a few minutes ago, weeding through the oh so many rejection emails I receive a day, when I opened once that said this:

Dear Jana,

Many thanks for getting in touch with The Blair Partnership.

We look forward to reading your work.  Please submit your manuscript when you feel it is one hundred per cent complete as this way we will be able to make our best assessment of it.

Best wishes,

The Blair Partnership
I got excited.  It's always exciting when someone requests your stuff.  But then I sat there trying to figure out which agency this is because I've contacted like 70.

Blair Partnership...Blair Partnership... I sat and thought for a few minutes.  Then I looked at the address: London.
You ready for this?  It's J.K. Freakin' Rowling's AGENCY!!!

Are they serious?!?!  They want my stuff?  Like REALLY?!  I am still shaking from excitment and nervousness.  I got to get this mug finished like ASAP!
I realize there is a one in a million chance that they will actually want to sign my book, but STILL.  This has given me a major confidence boost.  And a swift kick in the butt to get moving!

So, as of right now, I will be writing non-stop for the next who knows how long, and I would REALLY appreciate your prayers :)



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